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XLOOKUP Function

How the Microsoft Excel XLOOKUP function works
The Excel XLOOKUP function searches a range or array, and returns an item corresponding to the first match it finds. XLOOKUP is a modern and powerful replacement for many older functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, and LOOKUP.

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To lookup and retrieve data from another table/range. This is a very common scenario where you do not have all the data you need in one dataset. Therefore based on a value, you can use XLOOKUP to lookup and retrieve data from another dataset essentially combining data from two different datasets.

Syntax, Arguements, and Return Value

XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

lookup_value – The value you want to search for in the first array

lookup_array – The array or range to search

return_array – The array or range to return

if_not_found – [Optional] A text string to return if no match is found. If not set, the value will display #N/A error if the lookup_value is not found

match_mode – [Optional] 0 = exact match (default), -1 = exact match or next smallest, 1 = exact match or next larger, 2 = wildcard match

search_mode – [Optional] 1 = search from first (default), -1 = search from last, 2 = binary search ascending, -2 = binary search descending.

Function Return Value: Matching value(s) from the return_array

How to use the XLOOKUP Function in Microsoft Excel

The Excel XLOOKUP function is a modern replacement for many other functions, including the VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and INDEX MATCH functions. It can find values vertically or horizontally, it is able to lookup to the left, and it can return entire rows or columns, not just one value.

The syntax of XLOOKUP is much more intuitive to use than the older functions. Instead of referencing the whole table and defining a result column index, XLOOKUP allows you to define the lookup_array and the return_array separately. The function searches a given lookup_value in the lookup_array, and returns a corresponding value or row from the return_array. Here is an example:

How the Microsoft Excel XLOOKUP function works
XLOOKUP With Horizontal Data Example

Replacement for HLOOKUP Function

How the Microsoft Excel XLOOKUP function works
XLOOKUP Match on Multiple Values Example

In this example, we must match on both the first name and last name to lookup the proper value in the lookup_array. Notice in the formula the usage of the Ampersand(&).

How the Microsoft Excel XLOOKUP function works
XLOOKUP Return Multiple Values Example

In this example, we want to return both Test 1 and Test 2. So instead of just returning one value, we want to return two values. Note: You can return as many values as desired. The returned array will spill into the adjacent cells of the destination cell.